As of Ignition 8, 32-bit Vision Client support was dropped; the availability of 32-bit Java Runtime Environments (JRE) will diminish overtime as the technology is slowly deprecated.
However, in an effort to aid architectures making heavy use of 32-bit hardware, Ignition 8.0.3+ includes some batch and bash scripts that can be used to launch 32-bit clients. These launchers are unsupported, but are useful in cases where 32-bit Vision Clients are the only option.
The following steps must be repeated on each piece of hardware that will run a 32-bit client.
- Install a JRE
The hardware that will run Vision client must have a 32-bit Java 11 JRE installed. Earlier versions of Java (e.g., Java 8, Java 9, etc) will not work.
You're free to use your vendor of choice, but as a suggestion, AdoptOpenJDK has some 32-bit versions (as of the time of this writing). - Set JAVA_HOME to the JRE
This step varies based on the operating system that will be running the client. A quick web search should show you how to do this: "debian set java_home" or "windows set java_home"
Legacy Launchers
Using the Legacy Launchers involves retrieving a "legacyClient" file via one of the means listed below (based on operating system of the computer that will run the client)
Linux & Mac
Download the legacy launcher
Run one of the following commands to download the
file, replacing "localhost:8088
" with the address of the gateway that's hosting the Vision project you wish to launch.
curl -o "http://localhost:8088/system/nativelaunch?type=legacy&os=linux"
wget -O "http://localhost:8088/system/nativelaunch?type=legacy&os=linux"
Run the LaunchClient file from terminal. The launcher will attempt to download a JAR from the gateway which will be used to run the Vision address=GATEWAY_ADDRESS scope=SCOPE windowmode=WINDOW_MODE project=PROJECT certificate=CERTIFICATE
- GATEWAY_ADDRESS: The full address to the gateway
- SCOPE: The Scope to launch, 'D' for Designer, 'C' for Vision Client (Note: without single quote)
- WINDOW_MODE: The Window Mode to use, 'W' for windowed, 'F' for fullscreen.
- PROJECT: The Name of the Project to Launch. A project by the name specified here must exist on the gateway before attempting to launch the client.
- CERTIFICATE: The PEM certificate file to use with curl or wget. (curl is attempted first, wget if curl is not installed)
- SKIP_CERT_CHECK: If this arg is supplied, certificate checking by curl or wget will not occur
- JAVA ARGS: Any java args. (NOTE: No checking is done on validity before attempting to launch)
Example Launch Commands:./ address=http://localhost:8088 scope=D
./ address=http://localhost:8088 scope=C project=testing windowmode=F -Djavaws.launchparams="LaunchTag;LaunchTag2" -Djavaws.launchparam.LaunchTag="AAA" -Djavaws.launchparam.LaunchTag2="ZZZ" -Xmx2048M
./ address=https://Ignition:8043 scope=D certificate=mycert.pem
./ address=https://Ignition:8043 scope=D skipcertcheck
Download the legacy launcher
Using a web-browser, visit the following address to download the legacyClient.bat
file, replacing "localhost:8088
" with the address of the gateway that's hosting the Vision project you wish to launch.
run the LaunchClient file from command line. Running it for the first time on a system will take a moment, as the launcher has to download some necessary files from the gateway first.
- GATEWAY_ADDRESS: The full address to the gateway
- SCOPE: The Scope to launch, 'D' for Designer, 'C' for Vision Client (Note: without single quote)
- PROJECT: The Name of the Project to Launch ("
" in the examples below) - WINDOW_MODE: The Window Mode to use, 'W' for windowed, 'F' for fullscreen. (Note: Must be specified when including an argument file)
- ARGUMENT_FILE: A File that contains additional Java arguments. Must be all on the first line with spaces between arguments. No formatting or validation is performed.
Example Launch Commands:legacyClient.bat http://localhost:8088 D
legacyClient.bat http://localhost:8088 C myProject
legacyClient.bat http://localhost:8088 C myProject F
cmd.exe /c legacyClient.bat C myProject W C:\Users\myUser\Desktop\args.txt
A Word on SSL/TLS
SSL/TLS support is only available on linux/mac OS X for these launchers. Should a user wants to enable this feature, they must modify the legacyclient.bat to not download the launchclient.jar each time.
To Convert cert to a PEM cert for curl or wgetopenssl x509 -inform der -in certs.der -out certs.pem
NOTE: you still need to have the x509 certificate in the ~/.ignition/clientlauncher-data/certificates directory
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