This article covers loggers related to Sequential Function Charts (SFC) that were introduced in Ignition version 7.8.X.
Loggers in this article:
- Provides log events for start, completion, and errors for Sequential Function Chart. Compile errors for action element scripts will be shared.
- DEBUG log of a successful execution of a simple SFC:
Chart 'testSFC'/a6b6ac15-6f25-4808-b703-a125666dd5f8 started.
Chart work finished for 'testSFC'/a6b6ac15-6f25-4808-b703-a125666dd5f8. Event to fire after scripts: null
- DEBUG log of a successful execution of a simple SFC:
- WARN log stating a compile error from a script defined from SFC testSFC on the Action element S1. Details of the scripting error are provided:
Chart 'testSFC'/ce8e6d68-61bb-4a8e-bd27-65343ee48330 aborted in 'Script[Step:S1]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<Script name="">", line 10, in onStart
NameError: global name 'asdasf' is not defined
- WARN log stating a compile error from a script defined from SFC testSFC on the Action element S1. Details of the scripting error are provided:
- Monitors the evaluation of expressions defined within Transition elements.
- TRACE log monitoring the execution and completion of a specific Transition element. id and defined expression are provided:
ExpressionTransition[id=3989bb4c-f850-46dd-8981-6ecf2dfecfad,expression=if({[default]SFCTag},false,true)] setListener() not null
ExpressionTransition[id=3989bb4c-f850-46dd-8981-6ecf2dfecfad,expression=if({[default]SFCTag},false,true)] activate()
ExpressionTransition[id=3989bb4c-f850-46dd-8981-6ecf2dfecfad,expression=if({[default]SFCTag},false,true)] setListener() null.
ExpressionTransition[id=3989bb4c-f850-46dd-8981-6ecf2dfecfad,expression=if({[default]SFCTag},false,true)] unactivate()
- TRACE log monitoring the execution and completion of a specific Transition element. id and defined expression are provided:
- DEBUG log stating the result of the defined expression for that instance. id can be cross-referenced with the above TRACE log:
value=[true, Good, Tue Sep 14 08:55:15 PDT 2021], transition=true
- DEBUG log stating the result of the defined expression for that instance. id can be cross-referenced with the above TRACE log:
- DEBUG log stating the result of the defined expression for that instance. id can be cross-referenced with the above TRACE log:
value=[null, Evaluation Error, Tue Sep 14 08:55:15 PDT 2021], transition=false
- DEBUG log stating the result of the defined expression for that instance. id can be cross-referenced with the above TRACE log:
- Monitors the start and completion of defined scripts inside of Action elements.
- DEBUG log stating the start and completion of script for Action element S1. Can be used to check on the duration of a running script:
Timer script manager 'S1' started.
Timer script manager 'S1' stopped.
- DEBUG log stating the start and completion of script for Action element S1. Can be used to check on the duration of a running script:
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